26.07.2013 08:47

Ten trapný letní pocit, když...


Ten trapný letní pocit, když...
1) vedro na padnutí.
2) ...začne pršet zrovna když se rozhodnete jet na koupaliště.
3) ...jíte moc třešní nebo špendlíků, a potom strávíte další den na záchodě.
4) ...prospíte celý den a nevíte o tom.
5) na nějaký koncert vezmete brýle a můžete jen doufat, že vám nespadnou a někdo vám je nerozdupe.
6) ...vás chtějí kluci hodit do vody a neví, že máte zrovna "svoje dny".(Spíš holčičí problém :-D)
7) ...máte psa na vodítku a on se rozběhne, proběhne mezi nohama... a cukne.(Spíš klučičí problém :-D)
8) ...milionkrát za jednu diskotéku hrají písničku "Žijeme len raz".(Nebo jinou hitovku)
9) nuda.
10) ...jdete stanovat a naprší vám do stanu.
11) ...zapomenete večer zavřít okno a nalítají vám do pokoje komáři.
12) ...vám steče zmrzlina po prstech.
13) ...vám ve vodě sklouznou plavky.
14) ...jste na táboře nejstarší z dětí.
15) ...zjistíte, že limonáda, kterou jste si načepovali do kelímku, je teplá.
16) vezmete žluté tričko a zjistíte, že žlutá přitahuje všelijaký hmyz a havěť.
17) ...dojde led.
18) spálíte záda nebo jinou část těla.
19) ...vás otravuje JEDNA moucha.
20) ...zjistíte, že vaše letní platonická láska už s někým chodí.
21) ...jdete vyvenčit želvu nebo anakondu a ostatní se na vás divně koukají.
22) nestejnoměrně opálíte.
23) ...jedete na dovolenou a všechno je předražené.

Je toho hodně, napadá vás ještě něco? :-)

Autorka textu a obrázku: Mika-Butty


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Camel26.07.2013 09:32:39
avatarTak to je dobrý :DD
Vetšina sedí :D
Emily14.10.2013 09:37:45
avatarJo něco podobnyho 2 2 2 2
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required and expected them to be it.<br />
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Asking queries of ourselves pushes us to remain, do as well as have more.Asking queries of others also pushes them how to be, do as well as have more.A parent or guardian who tells children to think about ways to raise money to buy a fresh bicycle is actually more helpful than the parent just who shuts his/her children up from saying "We aren't able to afford a good solid bicycle during this house! "<br />
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Concerning your wedding ceremony photography or film coverage, it gives to ask questions.The perfect questions.Asking the best questions will ensure you have images to assist you to re-live typically the freshness of your big day consistantly! <br />
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I like it when clients take time to engage throughout exhaustive dialogue with me prior to their big moment.You can interact with your wedding party photographer/videographer either via email address, telephone or maybe both.<br />
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Having this specific dialogue ensures there is no misunderstanding later on in life.When I first started in this industry, I was guilty of not indicating to my 1st client how many years it would decide to try produce his or her's wedding FILM.I obviously suffered residuals by using them call me by odd hours from the day asking their FILM.<br />
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I don't make people mistakes in recent times and neither if you ever.Ask the manufacturer or individual every question who pops into your brain.Okay, there's have to to ask your pet if he is able to provide 99% cut price.That's termed taking the ---<br />
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Just what questions if you ever ask? Below are actually 12 questions I feel are quite necessary to ask to make certain you then have a wonderful encounter and outstanding DVD or even photographs.<br />
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1.What deals do they supply and just what do many charge for these vacation packages? You can question them if they'll offer discount if you introduce someone to them.<br />
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three.How many cameras can they use within the day? This is often essential if you can be using a small hall wherever one camera will do or are having a giant occasion just where multiple cameras could be necessary.<br />
<br />
3.Will they look at the various wedding venues prior to a big day? Give him or her the addresses from the various spots and tell them you want to them to see the different wedding locations.<br />
<br />
contemplate.How long could it take these phones produce a wedding DVD? Try and find a specific date or time frame here.<br />
<br />
5.When there is if they are late in producing your wedding MOVIE? <br />
<br />
6.The level of of the deposit do they might require before the wedding day? Some companies will stipulate the extensive amount prior to the wedding morning.<br />
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7.What number copies will they model of your DVD? Tell them the quantity of additional copies you'll like.<br />
<br />
8.The level of will additional copies cost? <br />
<br />
9.How many years will they stay on your event? It is easy to agree together a time or an event you surely want them to cover previously they get out of.<br />
<br />
10.Achieve they take cash, cheques or bank plastic payments? <br />
<br />
11.Can the thing is samples of work which they have produced up to now? This should supply you with an idea of what they can do.<br />
<br />
12.Cautious guarantees they will offer an individual? Push them in this particular.If they're pretty well they say there're, then they must be willing to will give you a guarantee should anything goes wrong.<br />
<br />
As a result that's this.12 questions There's no doubt that you should certainly ask before you decide to commission someone or a company for you to film your big day.You do not have to be restricted to the report above.If there is anything you want to explained or perhaps simplified, then ask and you will definitely receive.<br />
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<li><a href="… <a href="… ><img src="… alt="MARINE Breguet serie 5817ST/92/5V8 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" MARINE Breguet serie 5817ST/92/5V8 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="80" height="80" style="position:relative" onmouseover="showtrail('images/_small//replicawatches_/Breguet-watches/MARINE-series//Breguet-MARINE-series-5817ST-92-5V8-male-form-1.jpg','MARINE Breguet serie 5817ST/92/5V8 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )',80,80,300,300,this,0,0,80,80);" onmouseout="hidetrail();" /></a><br />MARINE Breguet serie 5817ST/92/5V8 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a> <br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;32,890.38 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;203.67</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;99% sconto</span></li></ol>

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<div class="sidebox-header-left "><h3 class="leftBoxHeading " id="featuredHeading">Vetrina - <a href="… /> <div class="sideBoxContent centeredContent"><a href="… src="… alt="Serie signora Jie giorno orologio al quarzo T007.309.11.056.00 Tissot ( Tissot )" title=" Serie signora Jie giorno orologio al quarzo T007.309.11.056.00 Tissot ( Tissot ) " width="80" height="80" style="position:relative" onmouseover="showtrail('images/_small//replicawatches_/Tissot-watches/Jie-day-series//Ms-Jie-day-series-T007-309-11-056-00-Tissot-8.jpg','Serie signora Jie giorno orologio al quarzo T007.309.11.056.00 Tissot ( Tissot )',80,80,800,800,this,0,0,80,80);" onmouseout="hidetrail();" /></a><a class="sidebox-products" href="… signora Jie giorno orologio al quarzo T007.309.11.056.00 Tissot ( Tissot )</a><div><span class="normalprice">&euro;1,355.94 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;181.35</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;87% sconto</span></div></div><div class="sideBoxContent centeredContent"><a href="… src="… alt="Serie Tissot Le Locle T006.408.11.037.00 Uomini orologi meccanici automatici ( Tissot )" title=" Serie Tissot Le Locle T006.408.11.037.00 Uomini orologi meccanici automatici ( Tissot ) " width="80" height="80" style="position:relative" onmouseover="showtrail('images/_small//replicawatches_/Tissot-watches/Locke//Tissot-Le-Locle-T006-408-11-037-00-Men-series.jpg','Serie Tissot Le Locle T006.408.11.037.00 Uomini orologi meccanici automatici ( Tissot )',80,80,600,600,this,0,0,80,80);" onmouseout="hidetrail();" /></a><a class="sidebox-products" href="… Tissot Le Locle T006.408.11.037.00 Uomini orologi meccanici automatici ( Tissot )</a><div><span class="normalprice">&euro;3,943.20 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;174.84</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;96% sconto</span></div></div><div class="sideBoxContent centeredContent"><a href="… src="… alt="Longines La Grande Classique L4.709.4.58.6 orologio al quarzo uomini ( Longines )" title=" Longines La Grande Classique L4.709.4.58.6 orologio al quarzo uomini ( Longines ) " width="80" height="80" style="position:relative" onmouseover="showtrail('images/_small//replicawatches_/Longines-watches/La-Grande-Classique//Longines-La-Grande-Classique-L4-709-4-58-6-men-4.jpg','Longines La Grande Classique L4.709.4.58.6 orologio al quarzo uomini ( Longines )',80,80,600,600,this,0,0,80,80);" onmouseout="hidetrail();" /></a><a class="sidebox-products" href="… La Grande Classique L4.709.4.58.6 orologio al quarzo uomini ( Longines )</a><div><span class="normalprice">&euro;3,255.00 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;182.28</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;94% sconto</span></div></div></div>

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<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 1808BR/92/9W6 DD00 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 1808BR/92/9W6 DD00 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 1808BR/92/9W6 DD00 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;768,869.14 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;253.89</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 3130BB/11/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 3130BB/11/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 3130BB/11/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;132,922.11 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;204.60</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 3355PT/00/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 3355PT/00/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 3355PT/00/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;443,928.06 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;246.45</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<br class="clearBoth" /><div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5157BB/11/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5157BB/11/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5157BB/11/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;71,145.00 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;224.13</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet Classique serie 5177BA/29/9V6 Mens orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet Classique serie 5177BA/29/9V6 Mens orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… Classique serie 5177BA/29/9V6 Mens orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;51,363.90 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;203.67</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5178BR/29/9V6 D000 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5178BR/29/9V6 D000 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5178BR/29/9V6 D000 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;73,402.11 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;205.53</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<br class="clearBoth" /><div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5187PT/15/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5187PT/15/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5187PT/15/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;101,541.12 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;217.62</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5197BA/15/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5197BA/15/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5197BA/15/986 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;72,199.62 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;196.23</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5237BB/12/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5237BB/12/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5237BB/12/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;115,201.89 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;199.02</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<br class="clearBoth" /><div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5238BB/10/9V6 DD00 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5238BB/10/9V6 DD00 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5238BB/10/9V6 DD00 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;767,721.52 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;240.87</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5247BR/29/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5247BR/29/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5247BR/29/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;114,133.32 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;235.29</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5327BB/1E/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5327BB/1E/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5327BB/1E/9V6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;252,820.50 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;251.10</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<br class="clearBoth" /><div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5335BR/42/9W6 ( forma maschile ) ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5335BR/42/9W6 ( forma maschile ) ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5335BR/42/9W6 ( forma maschile ) ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;446,207.49 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;239.01</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5920br/15/984 uomini automatico orologio meccanico ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5920br/15/984 uomini automatico orologio meccanico ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5920br/15/984 uomini automatico orologio meccanico ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;37,171.17 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;208.32</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;99% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5967BA/11/9W6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )" title=" Breguet CLASSIQUE Serie 5967BA/11/9W6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… CLASSIQUE Serie 5967BA/11/9W6 ( forma maschile ) orologi meccanici ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;78,391.56 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;219.48</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<br class="clearBoth" /><div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="COMPLICANZE Breguet serie 3357BR/12/986 uomini orologio meccanico ( Breguet )" title=" COMPLICANZE Breguet serie 3357BR/12/986 uomini orologio meccanico ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… Breguet serie 3357BR/12/986 uomini orologio meccanico ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;413,021.37 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;250.17</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="COMPLICANZE Breguet serie 5317BA/12/9V6 uomini orologio meccanico ( Breguet )" title=" COMPLICANZE Breguet serie 5317BA/12/9V6 uomini orologio meccanico ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… Breguet serie 5317BA/12/9V6 uomini orologio meccanico ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;365,981.04 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;252.03</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
<div class="centerBoxContentsProducts centeredContent back" style="width:32.5%;"><a href="… style="vertical-align: middle;height:150px"><img src="… alt="COMPLICANZE Breguet serie 5357BA/1B/9V6 uomini orologio meccanico ( Breguet )" title=" COMPLICANZE Breguet serie 5357BA/1B/9V6 uomini orologio meccanico ( Breguet ) " width="150" height="150" class="listingProductImage" id="listimg" /></div></a><br /><h3 class="itemTitle"><a href="… Breguet serie 5357BA/1B/9V6 uomini orologio meccanico ( Breguet )</a></h3><div class="listingDescription"></div><br /><span class="normalprice">&euro;611,858.17 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;234.36</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Risparmi:&nbsp;100% sconto</span><br /><br /><a href="… src="… alt="Acquista" title=" Acquista " width="60" height="15" class="listingBuyNowButton" /></a><br /><br /></div>
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<p>Herve Leger Sexy Colorblocked Sweeteart collo marca del vestito dalla fasciatura</p>
<li>Collo Strapless.Sweetheart .</li>
<li>Centro nascosta indietro lampo con hclosure gancio -e-occhio .</li>
<li>Rayon , nylon , Spandex .</li>
<li>XS S M L</li>
<li>Per mantenere la bellezza del vostro indumento , si prega di seguire le istruzioni di cura sull'etichetta allegata .</li>
<li>Imported .</li>

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<div style="font-weight:bold; padding-bottom:10px; font-size:14px;">TAG Heuer Silverstone CAM2111.FC6259</div>

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<span class="normalprice">$935.00 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">$213.00</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Save:&nbsp;77% off</span></span>

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<b><font color=333333> CAM2111.FC6259 <br></b>NEW TAG HEUER SILVERSTONE LIMITED EDITION MENS LUXURY WATCH<BR><font color=red><b> </font></B> Discontinued usually ships within 6 months <br><br><IMG SRC="www.replicatagheuer.… border=0><br> <BR><FONT COLOR=666666><B>- FREE Overnight Shipping <br>- NO SALES TAX (Outside California)<BR>
- Brown Dial<br>
- LIMITED EDITION, Numbered XXXX of 1860 Pieces Ever Made! <BR>
- Chronograph Feature <br>

- Self Winding Automatic Chronomatic Movement <br>
- Calibre 11, Swiss Made <BR>
- Sapphire Crystal Exhibition Back Case <br>
- 3 Year Warranty<br>
- Guaranteed Authentic<br>
- Certificate of Authenticity<br>
- Scratch Resistant Sapphire Crystal <br>
- Brushed with Polished Case <BR>
- Brown Leather Strap with Alligator Pattern<br>
- Manufacturer Box & Manual<br>

- 50 Meters / 165 Feet Water Resistant<br>
- 44mm x 45mm = 1 3/4" X 1 3/4" Case <br>
- 7" Adjustable Strap <br>
- Deployment Buckle <br>
- Luminescent Hands & Markers
<BR><BR> <FONT COLOR=GRAY><FONT SIZE=-2> &nbsp &nbsp Also Known As Model # CAM2111 FC6259 / CAM2111FC6259 </FONT></FONT></b></font>

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<h2>Shipping Method and Cost</h2>
<p>We usually use the shipping methods by EMS, DHL, the tracking numbers are available after we ship.</p>
<h4>Shipping Time</h4>
<p>Orders received on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, as well as orders received after 1pm on weekdays, will be processed the next working day. We will do our every effort to make sure you receive the parcel in time, but we are not responsible for shipping delays, which can be affected by the shipping carrier, delivery destination, weather, holidays or incorrect/insufficient delivery information.</p>
<h4>Shipping Address</h4>
<p>We apologize for the inconvenience, but we cannot ship to P.O. boxes. All parcels will be held for picking up if cannot be signed or delivered. So please provide us with the most up-to-date, accurate and detailed shipping information with your phone number for the shipping. If an item is returned because it was not deliverable due to an incorrect address, customer will have to be responsible for both the shipping and return charges.</p>
<p>The shipping of your parcel is traceable online. After your order is shipped out, a confirmation email with the online tracking number and link will be sent to you.</p>
<p> <a href="… target="_blank">EMS:… /> <p><a href="… target="_blank">… /> <h4>Returns policy</h4>
<p>We are committed to your complete satisfaction. All ordered items here are closely to the word here "what you see on our website are what you get in 7days".Before enjoying easy exchange and return policy,you must contact us with returning shipping address before sending the items back.All items sent back to us must be in their original condition i.e. not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached. All ordered items are the right items you pick here.We promise you of the right order package.So if returning right items for a refund:all returned items are subject to a 15% restocking fee and 20% bank commision.Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. We do not cover the shipping cost of returns or exchanges of right order package, you will be responsible for the shipping and handling costs. Additionally, we recommend that you add tracking and insurance for your own protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost shipments. All returned merchandise should be sent to the shipping address we email you after you get our feedback here! Exchanges We will accept exchanges for a different size or color within 30 days of the original order dispatch date. Please contact us with your Order ID and one of our team members will help you.</p>
<p>If you would like to exchange items to a different style, you would have to return your items for a refund* (as per Return policy) and place a new order for the style you prefer. You must contact us before sending the items back. All items sent back to us must be in their original condition i.e. not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached. Worn or dirty items will be returned back to you. We do not cover the shipping cost of exchanges, you will be responsible for the return postage and for the shipping and handling cost of shipping the exchanged items back to you. </p>
<p>We recommend that you add tracking and insurance when sending items to us for your own protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost shipments. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. Order Cancellation Cancellation of an order must be requested before the order has been dispatched.Cause that we process all orders as quickly as possible within 6-8hours after orders placing,so we are not always able to cancel an order after it is placed.All cancellation items are subject to a 20% bank commision. Hope you can understand in this key point.Cancellation requests after the order has been dispatched will be treated in accordance with our Return policy. Friendly Notice: If you did not receive your 10-digit tracking number within 3 days after placing your order, your e-mail server may have seen it as spam. In this case, please contact us for assistance in orders' tracking.</p>

<p>If have any questions about the shipping of your order, please feel free to contact with us.</p>


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<h2>Payment Methods</h2>
<p><strong>1.VISA Card</strong> <br>
We are through the&nbsp;<strong>VISA Card</strong>&nbsp;Company to accept your payment! When you create the order information on our site, you could choose to pay the bill via Visa, which is absolutely secure. You could check on <a style="color:#0000FF" target="_blank" href=""&… to make sure its security.<br>
<strong>(1) NOTE:</strong><br>
If returned as DECLINED, please call your bank and tell them to unblock your deal.&nbsp;<strong>VISA Card</strong>&nbsp;is easy and safe to make an online purchase with. Please feel free to contact us if you need further help.<br>
<strong>(2) Possible reasons for payment declined: </strong><br>
1. Guests did not correctly fill out payment information<br>
2. Issuing bank does not support online shopping<br>
3. Guest card balance is not enough<br>
4. Guests have an adverse payment records which did not pass the&nbsp;<strong>VISA Card</strong>&nbsp;filtration system (non-payment, document deception etc.)</p>

<p><strong>2 Master Card</strong></p>
<p>Master Card is also a very easy and quick way to send and receive money when doing transactions. You could pay the bill via Master Card,which is absolutely secure. You could check on <a style="color:#0000FF" target="_blank" href="… to make sure its security.</p>
<p>Please feel free to contact us if you need further help.</p>

<span class="STYLE1" style='font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;'>3. Western Union:</span><br>
<span class="STYLE2" style='font-size: 13px'> Western Union are very welcome. <br>
You will get a 20% discount when you use it. Steps:<br>
(1) Please calculate your total amount<br>
(2) Deduct the 20% money<br>
(3) Transfer the left money to us by Western Union<br>
(4) Send us the information(MTCN, total amount, country) at the page of <a target="_blank" style="color:#0000FF" href="www.replicatagheuer.… Us</a>.<br><br>
How to use Western Union:<br>
Our Official Western Union Information:First Name,Last Name,Country<br>
<span class="STYLE2" style='font-size: 13px'>Western Union has three payment methods:<br>
(1) Using Cash, Credit, or Debit Cards to send money through online.<br>
Supported by Australia, Canada, European countries and United States. <br>
The steps are:<br>
Firstly, access to the western Union's home Site: <a style="color:#0000FF" target="_blank" href="… and choose your country.<br>
Secondly, sign in your Western Union account or create a new one.<br>
Thirdly, click "send money", fill in the Money Transfer form and click "continue".<br>
Fourthly, fill in the form with your information (billing address, name, phone number, and your card number)<br>
Sometimes, you need to confirm your transfer as the email from Western Union tells you.<br>
(2) transferring at a western union agent location. <br>
You may visit <a style="color:#0000FF" target="_blank" href="… to find which one is the nearest and fill in a form. And the staff there will help you to complete the payment.</span><br>
(3) by your phone</span><br><br>
<span class="STYLE3" style='color: #FF0000;font-weight: bold;font-size: 13px;'>Notice:</span><br>
<span class="STYLE2" style='font-size: 13px'>(1) When finish the transaction, the system will give you the MTCN (10 digits). <br>
(2) Please write them down and then send MTCN with your remitter¡¯s (payer¡¯s) name (First name, Last Name), the exact delivery address, total amount (USD) to us at the page of <a target="_blank" style="color:#0000FF" href="www.replicatagheuer.… Us</a>.<br>
If your currency is not in USD, you do not have to exchange it into USD, which will be done automatically by the western Union. But please do not set the currency into the one that you actually use at the website of western union or at the location of western union, which will automatically be transformed into USD in number. Please tell us the amount in USD in the end and then your order will go through.<br>
(3) Please feel free to <a target="_blank" style="color:#0000FF" href="www.replicatagheuer.… Us</a> by email or Live Chat if you need further help. We will dispatch your order once we receive your information.</span><br>

<p>Please feel free to contact us if you need further help.</p>



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<span class="normalprice">$135.00 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">$27.00</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Save:&nbsp;80% off</span></span>

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Brand: Pandora<br>Material: 925 Silver<br>Weight(g): 1.5<br>Size(mm): 6.7 10 10<br>Bead Diameter(mm): 4.5</div>

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<li>Model: pandora-2351</li>

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Rolex Air-King Watch Oyster Perpetual Automatic Full Gold With Black Dial New Version Brief<p>Nearly century-old Rolex Watch Group is Switzerland's second largest enterprise of high-quality,luxury wristwatches.Rolex watches are popularly regarded as status symbols.Rolex watches exude magnificence,style,and prestige,all of which will be yours for a fraction of the cost when you buy a Rolex. <p>Top quality Japanese Automatic Movement (21 Jewel)<br />With Smooth Sweeping Seconds Hand<br />Hack mechanism (second hand stops when crown is pulled out to set the time-standard feature on all genuine Rolex watches).<br />Bands linked together by Threaded screws like the authentics which can be resized very easily.<br />Rolex logo etched at 6 o'clock position on watch dial<br />Screw-in watch crown<br />Solid 440 Stainless Steel with High quality plated 18K Gold Case <br />Solid 440 Stainless Steel with High quality plated 18K Gold Strap<br />Sapphire Crystal Glass Face<br />Case Diameter:Man Size : 36 mm<br />Lady Size : 26 mm<br />Water-Resistant</p></div>

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<p style='text-align:center;'><a target="_blank" href="www.bestswisswatch.m… itemprop="image" src="www.bestswisswatch.m… width=700px alt="/rolexbosswatch0001_/Rolex-Air-King/Rolex-Air-King-Watch-Oyster-Perpetual-Automatic-67.jpeg"/></a></p><p style='text-align:center;'><a target="_blank" href="www.bestswisswatch.m… itemprop="image" src="www.bestswisswatch.m… width=700px alt="/rolexbosswatch0001_/Rolex-Air-King/Rolex-Air-King-Watch-Oyster-Perpetual-Automatic-68.jpeg"/></a></p><p style='text-align:center;'><a target="_blank" href="www.bestswisswatch.m… itemprop="image" src="www.bestswisswatch.m… width=700px alt="/rolexbosswatch0001_/Rolex-Air-King/Rolex-Air-King-Watch-Oyster-Perpetual-Automatic-69.jpeg"/></a></p><p style='text-align:center;'><a target="_blank" href="www.bestswisswatch.m… itemprop="image" src="www.bestswisswatch.m… width=700px alt="/rolexbosswatch0001_/Rolex-Air-King/Rolex-Air-King-Watch-Oyster-Perpetual-Automatic-70.jpeg"/></a></p><p style='text-align:center;'><a target="_blank" href="www.bestswisswatch.m… itemprop="image" src="www.bestswisswatch.m… width=700px alt="/rolexbosswatch0001_/Rolex-Air-King/Rolex-Air-King-Watch-Oyster-Perpetual-Automatic-71.jpeg"/></a></p>

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<div style="font-weight:bold; padding-bottom:10px; font-size:14px;">IWC Portofino IW378302 Men series automatic mechanical watches (IWC)</div>

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<span class="normalprice">$18,086.00 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">$215.00</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Save:&nbsp;99% off</span></span>

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<li> <h4 tid="t1" class="cur"><strong class=""><span>Description</span></strong></h4> </li>

<div class="Ftitle"></div>
<div class="first_column">Product Code : 14597</div>


<dl class="end">
<dd>Portofino Series</dd>
<dl >
<dd>Male table</dd>
<dl >
<dd>Automatic mechanical watches</dd>
<dl class="end">
<dl >
<dl >
<dl class="end">
<dt>Surface / Mirror</dt>
<dd>Sapphire crystal</dd>
<dl >
<dt>Bottom of the table</dt>
<dl >
<dd>Beautifully packaged box , manual, warranty card</dd>
<dl class="end">
<dd>30 m</dd>
<dl >
<dl >
<dl class="end">
<dd>Weekday Date Display Chronograph</dd>
<dl >
<dt>Movement Type</dt>
<dl >
<dt>Strap Color</dt>
<dl class="end">
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<p><strong>[ IW378302 IWC</strong><strong>Introduction]</strong><br />
One hundred thirty six years, the local IWC Schaffhausen in Switzerland concentrated study watchmaking . To create a timeless classic works , its design and technology leader in the industry has been the IWC to create brilliant achievements of numerous power . From IWC extraordinary technology and craftsmanship not only Schaffhausen excellent characterization of pure technology , but also reflects the IWC has consistently adhered to its purpose . Assembled in Schaffhausen senior watch , both precise technical performance and excellent design. As an engineer in watch making , IWC factory exemplar case personally as production work, and adhere to the traditional watch making craftsmanship handed down from generation to generation .</p>

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Brand:RolexSeries:Airking Model number: [b]114200BLCOAO[/b]Movement:AutomaticCase Material:Stainless SteelCase Diameter:34 mmBezel Material:Stainless SteelBracelet:Stainless Steel OysterDial:BlueWatch Shape:Round Water Resistant:100 meters / 330 feetCrystal:Sapphire1.Buy world-renowned Rolex watch at affordable price.2.The watch comes with a one-of-a-kind model number 114200BLCOAO3.Airking is one of the most popular series.4.This watch is powered by a Automatic movement.5.It comes with a very beautiful and solid Stainless Steel case.6.Case Diameter: 34 mm7.Stainless Steel makes the watch look extremely luxury.8.Stainless Steel Oyster bracelet is very comfortable.9.The watch is extremely readable along with Blue dial.10.Great waterproof function.11.Scratch resistant Sapphire12.1 Year WarrantyNoticeWe advise you not to wear the watch while swimming or showering, although the watch can resist water in some degree. We will not be responsible for the repair, exchange and refund caused by water. Putting it away from water is a good way to prolong its working life. [b]Rolex 114200BLCOAO:[/b] Rolex Airking Blue Concentric Arabic Dial Domed Bezel Mens Watch 114200BLCOAO.Stainless steel case with a stainless steel oyster bracelet. Fixed stainless steel bezel. Blue dial with steel hands and Arabic numeral hour markers. Minute markers around the outer rim. Minute markers around the outer rim. The Rolex logo appears at the 12 o'clock position. 31 jewels automatic movement. Scratch resistant sapphire crystal. Case diameter: 34 mm. Flip lock clasp. Water resistant at 100 meters / 330 feet. Rolex Airking Blue Concentric Arabic Dial Domed Bezel Mens Watch 114200BLCOAO.rolex daytona k serialrolex las vegas forumrolex 6239 pricerolex 78360 pricerolex chrome heartsrolex 3035 partsrolex careers ukrolex investment2013 rolex 24 driversrolex 3 621 wristwatchesrolex submariner crystalrolex gmt 2 youtuberolex 31mm datejust stainless steelrolex gmt master price guiderolex oyster perpetual 045 Todd M(France Mougins)2013/3/13 16:13:23 This review is from:Rolex Airking 114200BLCOAO Round Automatic Mens Blue Dial WatchI am very pleased with this Rolex watch - why - it works, keeps great time and looks great. It does not come pre-fit for 7 inch wrist - need to have 3 links removed to fit - I have tried several other brands and they all quit working when I put them on - but not this one. It has a date and second hand - that is it for features.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsWas this review helpful to you? Lynnie G(USA Pasadena)2013/3/13 14:02:31 This review is from:Rolex Airking 114200BLCOAO Round Automatic Mens Blue Dial Watchlove this Airking watch!Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsWas this review helpful to you? Meridian N(Mexico Cuajimalpa Distrito Federal)2013/3/13 12:00:41 This review is from:Rolex Airking 114200BLCOAO Round Automatic Mens Blue Dial WatchThis is a beautiful Rolex Airking 114200BLCOAO Round Automatic Mens Blue Dial Watch watch. I have never owned a watch as far as the workmanship of the we will see. Also, the discription said it had a deployant clasp closure..the one I received has a buckle closure which is fine. I prefer buckle closures. The color of the strap is a gorgeous champagne color. It's a WOW! I would recommend it.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsWas this review helpful to you? Kim A(Australia West Melbourne)2013/3/13 10:06:58 This review is from:Rolex Airking 114200BLCOAO Round Automatic Mens Blue Dial WatchI would definitely recommend this fabulous watch to a friend of mines because it's such a simple watch to wear and it can match with any outfit you plan to wear. Also, it will make a great present for the holidays.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsWas this review helpful to you?
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[b]Brand Story[/b]Montblanc International GmbH is a German manufacturer of writing instruments, often identified by their famous "White Star" logo.Founded by the stationer Claus-Johannes Voss, the banker Alfred Nehemias and the engineer August Eberstein in 1906, the company began as the Simplo Filler Pen company producing up-market pens in the Schanzen district of Hamburg. Their first model was the Rouge Et Noir in 1909 followed in 1910 by the pen that was later to give the company its new name, the Mont Blanc. The first pen (a fountain pen) known as the Meisterstück or Masterpiece (the name used for export) was produced in 1925.
Ballpoint pen with twist mechanism, platinum-plated cone and barrel made of black precious resin with circular guilloche pattern, floating Montblanc emblem in transparent cap-top.
Our Montblanc pen shop commits to service our customers in the most respectful and appreciative manner. We are dedicated to bringing you the best Mont Blanc Pens For Sale we can find, at the best prices we can offer. We hope you find what you are looking for here and invite you to contact us here if you have any question.
Writing System: Ballpoint pen with twist mechanism
Clip: Highly polished platinum-plated clip with embossed Montblanc brand name and individual serial number
Barrel: Black precious resin with horizontal guilloche pattern
Trim: Highly polished platinum-plated fittings
We provide kinds of other style pens, If you like,you can view more here.Mont Blanc Pens;Mont Blanc Refills;Mont Blanc Meisterstuck;Mont Blanc Ballpoint Pens;Mont Blanc Fountain Pens;Mont Blanc Roolerball

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We usually use the shipping methods by EMS, DHL, the tracking numbers are available after we ship.
Shipping Time
Orders received on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, as well as orders received after 1pm on weekdays, will be processed the next working day. We will do our every effort to make sure you receive the parcel in time, but we are not responsible for shipping delays, which can be affected by the shipping carrier, delivery destination, weather, holidays or incorrect/insufficient delivery information.
Shipping Address
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we cannot ship to P.O. boxes. All parcels will be held for picking up if cannot be signed or delivered. So please provide us with the most up-to-date, accurate and detailed shipping information with your phone number for the shipping. If an item is returned because it was not deliverable due to an incorrect address, customer will have to be responsible for both the shipping and return charges.
The shipping of your parcel is traceable online. After your order is shipped out, a confirmation email with the online tracking number and link will be sent to you.
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We are committed to your complete satisfaction. All ordered items here are closely to the word here "what you see on our website are what you get in 7days".Before enjoying easy exchange and return policy,you must contact us with returning shipping address before sending the items back.All items sent back to us must be in their original condition i.e. not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached. All ordered items are the right items you pick here.We promise you of the right order package.So if returning right items for a refund:all returned items are subject to a 15% restocking fee and 20% bank commision.Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. We do not cover the shipping cost of returns or exchanges of right order package, you will be responsible for the shipping and handling costs. Additionally, we recommend that you add tracking and insurance for your own protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost shipments. All returned merchandise should be sent to the shipping address we email you after you get our feedback here! Exchanges We will accept exchanges for a different size or color within 30 days of the original order dispatch date. Please contact us with your Order ID and one of our team members will help you.
If you would like to exchange items to a different style, you would have to return your items for a refund* (as per Return policy) and place a new order for the style you prefer. You must contact us before sending the items back. All items sent back to us must be in their original condition i.e. not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached. Worn or dirty items will be returned back to you. We do not cover the shipping cost of exchanges, you will be responsible for the return postage and for the shipping and handling cost of shipping the exchanged items back to you.
We recommend that you add tracking and insurance when sending items to us for your own protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost shipments. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. Order Cancellation Cancellation of an order must be requested before the order has been dispatched.Cause that we process all orders as quickly as possible within 6-8hours after orders placing,so we are not always able to cancel an order after it is placed.All cancellation items are subject to a 20% bank commision. Hope you can understand in this key point.Cancellation requests after the order has been dispatched will be treated in accordance with our Return policy. Friendly Notice: If you did not receive your 10-digit tracking number within 3 days after placing your order, your e-mail server may have seen it as spam. In this case, please contact us for assistance in orders' tracking.
If have any questions about the shipping of your order, please feel free to contact with us.

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[b]1.VISA Card[/b]
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If returned as DECLINED, please call your bank and tell them to unblock your deal. [b]VISA Card[/b] is easy and safe to make an online purchase with. Please feel free to contact us if you need further help.

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3. Guest card balance is not enough
4. Guests have an adverse payment records which did not pass the [b]VISA Card[/b] filtration system (non-payment, document deception etc.)
[b]2 Master Card[/b]
Master Card is also a very easy and quick way to send and receive money when doing transactions. You could pay the bill via Master Card,which is absolutely secure. You could check on []… to make sure its security.
Please feel free to contact us if you need further help.
3. Western Union:
Western Union are very welcome.
You will get a 20% discount when you use it. Steps:
(1) Please calculate your total amount
(2) Deduct the 20% money
(3) Transfer the left money to us by Western Union
(4) Send us the information(MTCN, total amount, country) at the page of [… Us[/url].

How to use Western Union:
Our Official Western Union Information:First Name,Last Name,Country

Western Union has three payment methods:
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Supported by Australia, Canada, European countries and United States.
The steps are:
Firstly, access to the western Union's home Site: [… and choose your country.
Secondly, sign in your Western Union account or create a new one.
Thirdly, click "send money", fill in the Money Transfer form and click "continue".
Fourthly, fill in the form with your information (billing address, name, phone number, and your card number)
Sometimes, you need to confirm your transfer as the email from Western Union tells you.
(2) transferring at a western union agent location.
You may visit [… to find which one is the nearest and fill in a form. And the staff there will help you to complete the payment.
(3) by your phone

(1) When finish the transaction, the system will give you the MTCN (10 digits).
(2) Please write them down and then send MTCN with your remitter¡¯s (payer¡¯s) name (First name, Last Name), the exact delivery address, total amount (USD) to us at the page of [… Us[/url].
If your currency is not in USD, you do not have to exchange it into USD, which will be done automatically by the western Union. But please do not set the currency into the one that you actually use at the website of western union or at the location of western union, which will automatically be transformed into USD in number. Please tell us the amount in USD in the end and then your order will go through.
(3) Please feel free to [… Us[/url] by email or Live Chat if you need further help. We will dispatch your order once we receive your information.
Please feel free to contact us if you need further help.
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<span class="normalprice">$172.00 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">$109.00</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Save:&nbsp;37% off</span></span>

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<b>Product Description</b><br/>

<p>New since 1924: The Meisterstuck 149 fountain pen is one of the best-known and most famous writing instruments of our time. Hand-crafted in the best European tradition, its 18 K hand-ground gold nib with platinum inlay, three gold-plated rings, gold-plated clip and deep black precious resin barrel make this luxurious writing instrument a legend among fountain pens. Rollerball, barrel and cap made of black precious resin inlaid with Montblanc emblem, platinum-plated clip and rings.Diamond color in order to prevail in kind.</p><p>Rollerball, barrel and cap made of black precious resin inlaid with Montblanc emblem, platinum-plated clip and rings.</p><p>* Barrel: Black precious resin<br />
* Cap: Black precious resin inlaid with Montblanc emblem<br />
* Trim: Three platinum-plated rings embossed with the Montblanc brand name<br />
* Clip: Platinum-plated clip with individual serial number||* Writing System: Rollerball, could also be used with fineliner refill||* Refills: Montblanc rollerball refills with stainless steel tip: black, blue, green, red</p>


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<span class="normalprice">&euro;372.00 </span>&nbsp;<span class="productSpecialPrice">&euro;235.29</span><span class="productPriceDiscount"><br />Korting:&nbsp;37%</span></span>

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<div id="productDescription" class="productGeneral biggerText">Hermes lederen schoudertas H6508 donkere koffie gouden<br />
<br />
Hermes lederen schoudertas Kenmerken:<br />
Leer strepen met fijne stiksels , omgeven de tas hoes<br />
Nickel hardware met verstelbare gespen<br />
Verstelbare lederen band met 21 "drop<br />
Flap sluiting met lederen biezen<br />
Een buitenkant ruimte onder<br />
Inside lederen voering<br />
Een rits en een platte open zak<br />
Een groot compartiment voor het houden van uw accessoires<br />
Hermes logo letter gedrukt binnen<br />
Vlakke bodemplaat met contrast stiksels<br />
size : 32cm x 30cm x 16cm<br />
<br />
Elke Hermes lederen schoudertas H6508 wordt geleverd met een serienummer , Hermes stofkap , Hermes ontvangst , Hermes zorg boekje en Hermes authenticiteit kaart . Alle markeringen en accessoires zijn exact .</div>

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【Brand story]Schaffhausen IWC IWC watch factory located in northern Ruishi Dong Schaffhausen professional watchmaking technology has no doubt, is the originator of the production timing clocks: famous, with perpetual calendar "Da Vinci watch Series "is the source for this timing watch one of the pioneers. Of course, the first-ever "Grande Complication" series, super antimagnetic "engineers watch series, without fear or 2000 m water depth pressure and only equipped with a mechanical depth measuring device diving watch, the IWC, the masterpiece of the professional pilots wrist Table "series, as well as the same unparalleled, pocket watches IWC IWC was founded in 1868, has been published.1868, Boston, USA the engineers Foluolunting? Ariosto? Mr. Jones made a special trip to Switzerland, the IWC International Watch Company was founded in Schaffhausen. He chose to stay away from the tabulation heart of western Switzerland, opened a factory on the Rhine, so beautiful in the title and the value of, both from the American engineers. In addition, he found a new hydroelectric power plant, the stream of power for the the watchmaking mechanical and instrument, also recruited well versed in the Schaffhausen traditional watchmaking technology watchmaker; Thus, Mr. Jones, with the zeal to create an ideal environment, nurture marketing perfect mechanical watch movements in the global market. Original, according to Schaffhausen CRDA, as early as January 29, 1583, City Hall has been a firearms technician firearms technician, a watchmaker and crane manufacturers organization's records prove that at the time of Schaffhausen watch industry already exists. In fact, it is to understand the origin of the art of watchmaking in Schaffhausen, must date back to 1409; then to Rheinau a monastery monks from the neighboring regions, the construction of a large bell in St. Johann Church, wrote the art of watchmaking the first page.Shortly after its establishment in the IWC, the company, founded a chronograph watch manufacturing technology available in 1885, for example, with Bo Weibo system and digital display pocket watch, now hot collectibles. The late 19th century, IWC IWC developed a new movement, and so recognized the potential for the development of new and stylish watch one of the first watchmakers. In the 1930s, the market desire for extreme accurate watch IWC IWC original pocket watch movement, assembled in watch Portuguese watch series came into being. This series of watches is known for "big" and still create watch trend.From timing partner for the flight pioneer IWC IWC has been committed to the research and development of "air" watch, has been to create a perfect, with the pilots to fight against the magnetic field watch series. 1950s, IWC IWC not only introduced the first automatic movement, sparking a competition in the watch industry, has successfully developed Buhler Dayton winding device; unparalleled masterpiece still be configured in a watch factory manufacturing movement within.IWC IWC not only enjoys a unique position in the history of the watch, geographically: the watchmaking factory is still the only watch factory located in eastern Switzerland. For this reason, the watch factory to continue to manufacture superior mechanical watch insistence deemed commitment, and tabulation dedicated confirms. In 1950 IWC IWC has entered into a training standard, trainees must obtain Federal Final Diploma Horloger complet joined this watch engineers ranks. For this reason, IWC IWC watches own training center in 1968, 15 participants trained in two advanced training inside. In 2001, the training of the new legislation comes into effect, giving the watch engineer training more elastic.In late 1970, the Swiss watch industry is a turbulent, but the IWC IWC Manager Mr. Christine 特布明赖思, but to break the impasse. Electronic timing technology runs counter to his research and development of mechanical watches, breakthrough ideas and superior technology, to create a mechanical watch Schaffhausen establish a distinct image of a new era, men's watch, more particularly the introduction of eye-catching advertisements, " ; IWC. Since 1868. And for as long as there are men. "information, the interpretation of the concept of breakthrough watchmaking. This ad also attracted the interest of many ladies.Craftsmen to create the perfect ... actively training of professionals ... and runs counter to the mass production ... it is the IWC IWC established and long-established principle aim is to create the ultimate high quality watch for a few. Therefore, as long as the careful maintenance of your IWC IWC, it can run for decades or longer. For this reason, the IWC IWC has been the global collectors as the best of high value.Mechanical watches IWC IWC Order to shock people. The company employs 410 staff, producing popular mechanical watches. The 2000 IWC IWC affiliated watch part of the Richemont Group.136 years, IWC Schaffhausen, Switzerland concentrated on studying the local watchmaking. Works to create a timeless classic, its design and technology has been leading in the industry is the power of the IWC to create many brilliant achievements. Extraordinary technology and craftsmanship from IWC Schaffhausen excellent characterization of pure technology, but also reflect the IWC has consistently adhered to its purpose.1868: the engineer from Boston, Florentine Ariosto Jones founded in Schaffhausen "IWC (International Watch Co.) and put into the making of the pocket watch movement.1885: IWC patented invention the Pallweber Mr., to produce the first batch of digital display watch.1935: IWC launch of the first designed for pilots Mark IX watch design.1938: Making out with accurate and reliable, Portuguese Portugal Series large watch pocket watch movement, to meet the needs of the Portuguese gentleman celebrities.1955: Launch of the first automatic watch the Ingenieur engineers watch series. The inside of the case is antimagnetic soft iron to create great success after the listing.1978: first only compass watches come out, a symbol of the start of the two decades-long cooperation relationship between the IWC and designer FA Porsche.1985: IWC launch of the first only has a calendar function Da Vinci Da Vinci watch series. It has a four-digit year figures show, and the adjustment can be carried out simply by crown.1990: After seven years of research and development, the IWC for the first time the number of complex mechanical features incorporated in the watch size, launched the Grande Complication Grande Complication series. It has the mechanical function of the calendar, chronograph and three asked the table.1993: IWC to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the launch of a limited edition of 125 boutique masterpiece of Il Destriero Schaffhausen war horse watch series. It has a one minute flying tourbillon features, and exclusive IWC seconds chronograph function.2000: IWC produced the Model 5000 movement, self-winding mechanical movement with seven days of power reserve, and is equipped with the IWC patented Buhler Dayton automatic winding system. Limited edition of the Portuguese Automatic Portugal automatic watch series, will be equipped with this exclusive movement.2003: Launch of the new Portuguese Perpetual Calendar Portuguese Perpetual Calendar watch, not only with the new design of the calendar, as well as the northern and southern hemispheres of the world's first moon phases, fully embodies the IWC tradition of innovation and invention.2004: IWC Aquatimer marine chronograph series introduced a new generation of dive tables.Senior assembled in Schaffhausen watch, both the precise technical performance and outstanding design. As the engineers in the watch-making nations exemplar plant himself as a production of case work, and adhere to the watch-making craft tradition handed down from generation to generation. Since the inception of the brand, the IWC began to develop their own apprentice. Today, there are already 20 talented young chef to complete a four-year training to become everything watchmakers. The continuation of the spirit of the traditional also the nations watches differences and different from other brands.The brand concept: "As extraordinary watches engineer, IWC top technology content, innovative thinking and brand personality. 'Classic style: Portuguese Portuguese watch series, Pilot's watch the pilots watch series, the Ingenieur engineers watch series, Grande Complication Grande Complication series.
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